
I Love My Job

i've mention in one of my previous post, that sometimes i worked as sales promotion girl, or usher, and sometimes i became a model too for photo hunting and online shops. i really love this job, some people maybe have negative perception about this job. but i found that this job is fun! i can work and earn money but have fun. i can meet a lot of new people, get new experiences, i have worked and met with Korean people, Hongkong, Japanese, Indian, Chinese, and the most fun part is, i can do full make up while working. hehe.
and thank God since this February i got a lot of job. i can earn a lot of money while just work about 10 days in a month. hoho.
Kamico Korea

Photoshoot for T-Shirt Catalog

Usher for Capgomeh Festival

Usher for BP Migas

Crew in Hongkong Lifestyle Expo

Usher Gathering Pertamina

with my BF and his Indian client >.<

SPG Anniversary Shiseido (i can try Shiseido products for free. hoho)

Launching MIO Fino

It's the most exhausting work because i have to work outdoor =='
i haven't get any job for May, hope there'll will be more job coming :D

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